HYBRID - Introduction to Foraging

Wednesday, June 297:00—8:00 PMLarge Meeting RoomCary Memorial Library1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA, 02420

Foraging is a great way to incorporate nutrition-packed foods into your diet, a fun way to get outdoors with friends and family, and sustainable foraging has a positive impact on native plants. Join Rachel Goclawski to learn how to get started on your wild food foraging journey from selecting a guidebook to foraging through the seasons and identification of common wild edibles that you can find in your own hometown.

Rachel Goclawski is a MA Certified Educator, State-Certified in Mushrooming and Programming Partner with the Museum of Natural History, Sudbury Valley Trustees and other non-profits and land trusts. She comes from a long line of foragers including her great-grandfather, Arthur W. Fairbanks, founder of the Boston Mycological Club in the 1800's.

This is a hybrid program - you can attend in person or watch via Zoom. If you are attending via Zoom, please register to receive the Zoom link.  Q&A will not be available if you are watching via Zoom.

Although registration is not required to attend an in-person program, it enables us to notify you if a program is postponed or cancelled.

This program is made possible by the generous donors to the Cary Library Foundation.

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