VIRTUAL - Author Visit with Tajja Isen
Monday, November 77:00—8:00 PMVirtual
Join us for an evening with Tajja Isen, writer, cultural critic, and voice actress. Isen will discuss themes from her book, Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service.
Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service is about how industries—like entertainment, media, and publishing—have gotten very canny about speaking the language of social justice but don’t always follow through. The essays braid cultural criticism with personal narrative, exploring how token apologies have become so present in contemporary life and asking how we might resist the world they try to sell us.
Tajja Isen is a writer of essays, criticism, and fiction. You may also have heard (of) her from two decades of work as a voice actor. Isen is the editor-in-chief of Catapult magazine and the author of Some of My Best Friends: Essays on Lip Service.
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In partnership with Watertown Free Public Library.