VIRTUAL - A History of Wampanoag Foodways

Thursday, October 277:00—8:00 PMVirtual

We are pleased to welcome Kitty Hendricks-Miller (Otter Clan), for a presentation on the history of Wampanoag food in the region and sustainable, seasonal offerings. In the Wampanoag way of life, gratefulness for all foods was important and still is today as they are considered to be gifts from the Creator to Humans. Everything the Wampanoag eat, drink, and wear comes from Mother Earth. Foods that are not eaten are returned to Mother Earth. Indigenous cultures have lived this way for thousands of years and have been recycling just as long!

Kitty will also demonstrate how to prepare Turkey and Hominy Stew, a hearty soup passed down through family recipes to the present. Attendees will receive the ingredients in advance to follow along.

About Kitty Hendricks-Miller

Kitty Hendricks-Miller (Nenaweetah) is born and raised a Mashpee Wampanoag tribal citizen and is Otter Clan. She currently is the Indian Education Coordinator for the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe’s Education Department. She has managed and supervised the Wampanoag Food ways Exhibit at Plimoth Plantation, and was museum manager at the Mashpee Wampanoag Museum. Kitty demonstrates for the public open fire cooking of seasonal sustainable food, and teaches native craft activities to tribal families at public events. As a song carrier and musician Kitty shares her musical gifts and knowledge of traditional Eastern songs and dances with the performing group Wampanoag Nation Singers and Dancers.

Registration is required for the virtual event.

This program is made possible by the generous donors to the Cary Library Foundation.

In collaboration with Beverly Public Library.